Thursday 25 February 2010

Further Horror Genre research and techniques.

This is some further genre research into ideas for our opening sequence. Although we think our film idea is unique in itself, other horror movies have different ideas that have inspired us to expand our initial idea. 


The above still is from the film 'I know what you did last summer' and is one of the inspirations for our horror film. The idea we liked about this film was the enigma of the murderer to both the audience watching and the characters themselves. Also, the idea of not knowing what comes next and to expect the unexpected which is another typical convention of the horror genre.

"Cape Fear" Robert Mitchum, Polly Bergen 1961 Universal

The above still is from the film 'Cape Fear' which is about a convicted rapist. The plot behind this film inspired us to make our film based around the subject of rape as its a real life subject that needs to be brought to the realisation of a mainstream audiences eyes. However, our film has been brought more into the 21st century updated with more real life situations and based around technology.


A typical horror convention that we are using in our film and in our opening sequence is dark alleyways. This makes our film more real to the audience as wherever the audience may be there will always be a dark alleyway near by. This adds to the tension for the audience.


The above still is from the film 'Halloween' and is another typical horror convention. Our opening establishing shot is going to be of a big house at night time to create tension to the footage to come. However, unlike the house above from Halloween there won't be any decorations outside or any form of light for that matter apart from natural light and street lights.


This is an example of an over the shoulder shot. This will be used within our opening sequence when Character 1 is in the alleyway alone. However, our over the shoulder shot will differ to the one above as all the character will be able to see is the alleyway and darkness. At this point the murderer will come from behind the character and the audience will know this but the character won't. 

Here is some examples of films that have inspired our idea in some way:


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